Every year in December, JES Holdings holds an Employee Recognition and Staff Meeting to recognize our dedicated employees. The event opens with presentations from directors of each company, highlighting their accomplishments and upcoming endeavors. At this time, leadership recognizes teams who have been essential to our success throughout the year.
Employees that have been employed at JES Holdings and affiliate companies for 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years are given gifts of appreciation and congratulations from President and CEO Jeffrey E. Smith. In addition to the service awards presented to employees for their time with JES, notable awards are given to a few nominated employees. The Michelle Sharp Outstanding Achievement Award, in memory of Michelle Sharp, honors an employee with strong leadership qualities and dedication. This year’s recipient was AEP Asset Management Data Analyst Becky Wiles. FWM Property Manager Gina Vinyard won the Roger Garner Recognition Award, which goes to an employee who demonstrates the qualities of patience, dignity, kindness and dedication. The Rookie of the Year Award, an award given to an employee who has held their current position for less than 18 months and has made a significant contribution in their current role, was given to FWC Project Administrator Faye Nesbitt. Finally, the Bear Award, given to an employee who has made a significant contribution that has resulted in a positive financial impact, went to FWC Project Manager Tom Partin.
The meeting concludes in acknowledgement of JES social and philanthropic events. Event and employee photos are shown along with fundraising amounts and hours of service for beneficiaries including: Boys & Girls Club, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Sturge-Weber Foundation, Atlanta Pet Rescue and Adoption Center, Breast Cancer Research Foundation, Atlanta Community Food Bank and United Way. JES Holdings considers it a privilege to have such generous and dedicated employees, and the Employee Recognition & Staff Meeting is only one of the many ways we show our appreciation.