Gardening 101: The Basics for Beginners

With spring in the air, now is the perfect time to begin your gardening. Below are a few tips from to help get your garden in shape! Spacing is Everything The key to growing healthy vegetables involves something you may not think of first: spacing. If you plant your vegetables too close together, you […]
Easy, Outdoor Exercises for the Summer

With the warm weather upon us, it is a great time to exercise outdoors! Below are some easy exercises from the How Stuff Works website to kick start the summer. Stretching Stretching is an important exercise we often forget. To avoid injury before you work out, it is important to remember to stretch. Stretching will […]
JES Wellness: Make Lunch Count Day

In honor of National Make Lunch Count Day on April 13, the JES Holdings offices are encouraging coworkers to take a break from work and eat lunch together! Below are just a few of the benefits of lunching out: Improved Creativity: if you are experiencing a creative dry spell, stepping out of the office and […]
How to Stay Healthy for Spring

Part of having a happy, healthy spring means managing your health. Read below for a few tips on staying healthy this spring from P & G Everyday. Preventing Hay Fever. While many people think hay fever is a summer problem, pollen can start affecting people as early as March. Talk to your doctor about the […]
Scientific Reasons Why Spring is the Most Delightful Season

Have you ever wondered why you feel happier in the spring? Mental Floss outlines the scientific reasons behind this feeling in their article below! Temperatures are more moderate. In many places, the season brings mild temperatures in the 60s and 70s. Research shows that people tend to be the most comfortable at temperatures of about […]
JES Fitness Challenge Winners
The JES Holdings summer fitness challenge, Feel Like a Million, was a huge success with 149 employee participants throughout the JES Holdings family of companies. While every employee did a great job improving their wellness, JES Holdings would like to recognize the winners of the challenge. The main competition was based on the team with […]
JES Wellness: Breakfast Meal Preparation

As part of the JES Wellness challenge, employees were invited to attend many events throughout the summer, including meal prep classes, yoga, meditation sessions and more. On Wednesday, August 23, employees at the JES Holdings Columbia office attended their second meal prep class where they were taught how to make overnight oats. Attendees were provided […]
Meal Prep for JES Wellness

On Wednesday, August 2, employees in the Columbia and St. Louis, Missouri and Atlanta, Georgia offices were given the chance to attend a meal prep class at their perspective locations. As part of a six-week wellness campaign, many employees from each office attended the sessions and learned how to make mason jar salads. Each employee […]