The Village of Bedford Walk Supports Pascale’s Pals

The Village of Bedford Wakl Supports Pascale's Pals

On Friday, March 9, 2018, representatives from The Village of Bedford Walk attended a dinner and auction to benefit Pascale’s Pals, a charity organization that benefits children and families staying at the MU Women’s and Children’s Hospital in Columbia, Missouri. This year was the 20th anniversary of the event, and the tickets were sold out. […]

The Village of Bedford Walk Celebrates St. Patrick’s Day

At The Village of Bedford Walk, our staff and residents are always excited when a holiday comes up because of the chance to celebrate together! For St. Patrick’s Day, the community decided to host a themed event, and residents gathered and enjoyed green beer, basil lemonade and traditional Irish cuisine. See below for a video […]

The Village of Bedford Walk Fundraises for the Boys & Girls Club of Columbia

Recently, The Village of Bedford Walk residents participated in the Boys & Girls Club of Columbia’s 13th Annual Rootin’ Tootin’ Chili Cookoff. Residents created a saloon themed booth and spent a whole month preparing for the fundraiser. On the day of the cookoff, the Bedford Walk team dressed up and spent the day passing out […]

United Way’s Night of Honor for Jeffrey E. Smith

On Thursday, September 14, 2017, The Village of Bedford Walk hosted an evening in honor of Jeffrey E. Smith, JES Holdings President and CEO. Due to his immense support of Heart of Missouri United Way, Mr. Smith was presented with the Alexis de Tocqueville Society Bo Fraser Leadership Award. This award is given to individuals […]

The Village of Bedford Walk Nominated for Best of Columbia

The Village of Bedford Walk, a JES | Prime Senior Living community, was recently nominated for Inside Columbia Magazine’s Best of Columbia 2017 in the category of Best Place for Seniors to Live. Every year, Columbia residents cast their votes for their favorite places, foods and more in Columbia, Missouri. Then, Inside Columbia tallies the […]